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Valkyrie Pro
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    Référence Valkyrie Pro
    Valkyrie Pro

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    Prix : 12,50 € T.T.C
    Classification: Distance Driver
    Diameter: 21.2cm
    Weight Range: 150 Class to 175 grams
    Brief Description: Turnover Distance Driver with great glide.
    Available Plastics: DX, Pro Line, Champion, Star
    Best Choice for: First distance driver, tailwind drives, downhill distance, long turnover drives, rollers.

    About the Valkyrie
    The Valkyrie is a World Record holding distance driver. It is an easy to learn disc, and in lighter weights will give newer players extra distance. Lighter weights also give players extreme range when thrown downwind, while maximum weights can give excellent upwind distance. The Valkyrie’s high speed turn and flight characteristics make it great choice for long range turnover shots and rollers.

    About INNOVA's Pro Line Plastic
    INNOVA’S Pro Line is manufactured using a special blend of plastics and are designed to provide unique qualities for each available model. These quality discs offer increased durability over discs made in our DX plastic and provide an enhanced grip when compared to the Champion plastic. Our Pro Line of discs provide additional glide when compared to all our other disc lines and are more affordable than our premium Champion Line discs. The special blends of our Pro Line plastic can produce discs in a wide range of rigidity, from the extremely soft and flexible Pro Rhyno or JK Aviar to the stiff, firm plastic of the KC Pro Aviar. Regardless of the firmness of the disc, all of the INNOVA Pro Line models offer unique gripablity. Many Pro Line discs are also available in colorful I-Dye designs. Some models are now available for custom hot stamping.

    DX - 150 Class to 175 grams
    PRO - 160 to 175 grams
    CHAMPION - 150 to 175 grams
    STAR - 150 to 175 grams

    Also available for custom hotstamping in: DX, Champion

    Full Color designs available in DX plastic. Custom Full Color stamping also available.

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